Leading a transformational change process
A VP of a global company had a reputation for being focused, fast-paced and action orientated. She was appointed to lead an organisation-wide, high stakes transformational change programme, the success of which was dependent on sustaining a culture of collaboration, cross functional teamwork and innovation.
A 360 feedback and feedforward process revealed an inconsistent communication style that derailed collaboration and a reputation for not listening. This style was negatively impacting relationships with key partners which cascaded down to the operational teams causing noise and negativity. All of which was slowing down progress with the change programme.
As an experienced executive, I have participated in a variety of leadership development programs and while they were helpful, they were not specifically tailored for me. The Stratagem custom coaching directly led to my most successful professional year.
A Stratagem coach partnered with her to identify what she wanted to work on and focused on enabling her to: