Transitioning from a micro-manager to an inspiring leader
Vijay had recently been promoted from a Sales Executive to a Sales Leader, responsible for a team of ten. Historically it had been difficult to recruit for his region. His company were delighted that Vijay had taken up the post as he had a sterling reputation for gaining and retaining business and there was real growth opportunity in this territory.
Vijay’s initial success came from improving and standardising the sales forecasting and reporting processes. However, alarm bells rang when his manager held skip interviews with his team members who were demotivated by his tendency to micromanage them.
His manager suggested coaching and Vijay agreed. At the first meeting he revealed that he found managing people frustrating and would say things like “Why can’t they just follow the process?” or “How many times to do I have to tell them?” or “I’m not sure that I want to do this job”.
It became apparent very quickly that the Stratagem coach had a wealth of experience and knowledge; applying several different coaching methods and tools to meet my individual needs. My need for coaching was highlighted after I had started a new role, and her intervention helped me develop the confidence to develop the role further and quickly assert myself within the organisation.
A Stratagem coach partnered with him to identify what he wanted to work on and focused on enabling him to: